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Be The Change

Get Involved

For over sixeen years, SCBF has successfully created and instituted programs, seminars, lectures and conferences for civic, educational, and governmental bodies to address childhood trauma, and has been a thought-leader in exposing the social and economic implications when the proper resources are not available.

School Garden
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Planned Giving

You can leave a living legacy to make sure that the St. Clair Butterfly Foundation continues to provide therapeutic creative arts programs for disadvantaged youth. Planned giving typically comes from a donor’s assets, and can be either outright or deferred.

Matching Gifts

Matching gifts can increase the amount of your donation. If you or your spouse/partner is affiliated with a company that has a matching gift program, obtain a matching gift form from the personnel office where you work.

Senior Businessman

Wish List

Think of all of the items that you may have lying around your house that you may never use. Now, multiply that by 50. That’s what the St. Clair Butterfly Foundation needs every week to operate our programming.

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