SCBF Trauma Model
Based in Metro-Detroit, this 501c3 nonprofit utilizes the power of the Creative Arts, Mindfulness, and Mentorship Programs to help young people overcome trauma, learn healthy coping mechanisms and life skills, and unlock their potential and purpose.
To date, we’ve serviced over 20,000 young people and families
Our programs have also become incorporated into the rehabilitation efforts of several juvenile detention facilities nationwide — from
New York to Spokane.
We work with community leaders and key stakeholders to fill the gaps and shortfalls in school district, partner organization, and community budgets so all students have access to the therapeutic benefits of the creative arts. From public high schools and middle schools to domestic violence shelters and residential facilities, the St. Clair Butterfly Foundation helps traumatized young people find outlets beyond the boundaries of their environment, as an alternative to drugs, violence, and gangs.
Our cutting-edge approach and specialized curricula in Visual Art, Creative Writing, Yoga, Gardening, and Music provide the necessary outlets and comprehensive strategies to address trauma in a productive way, with dramatic results.
Additionally, teachers an school administrators observed an increase in
self-esteem and peer relationships
confidence in self-expression
proficiency in writing and grammar
reading comprehension
critical thinking skills
interest and motivation in writing as a form of expression.
The St. Clair Butterfly Foundation is grounded in the belief that Expressive Arts, mindfulness, and mentorship are the gateway to greatness. Visual Art, Creative Writing, Yoga, Music, and Gardening Programs provide students the opportunity to overcome trauma by promoting an environment of creativity and encouragement where personal growth, individuality, excellence, collaboration, and stewardship are fostered.
Our Strategic Theme comes in
Personal Growth: Promote positive life skills and realistic, healthy self-esteem
Individuality: Foster character that distinguishes them from others
Excellence: Promote integrity, kindness, positivity, resiliency, flexibility, and balance
Collaboration: Strengthen and enrich social bonding
Empowerment: Unlock the potential and purpose
Stewardship: Promote the proper care of the world’s most precious natural resource – our youth
And when these PIECES fall together, something remarkable happens, as was the case with 12-year-old Mitchell, whose dysfunctional home life came to a head just after Thanksgiving when found his mother dead in the house, having overdosed. With no father in his world, he came to live with his uncle and had trouble adjusting to his new school. Fighting, suspensions, poor grades, lack of interest – hallmark signs of trauma.
Yet after the very first yoga/mindfulness session, Mitchell told us he wished he could time travel to the next week because he enjoyed it so much. Soon after, he signed up for our Creative Writing Program as well, and in just four weeks has made tremendous strides. Zero fights, zero suspensions, and his teachers noted a marked improvement in his grades and level of engagement.
100% of our 8th grade participants graduated to high school, while only 89% of 8th graders not enrolled in SCBF programs graduated to high school.
We know what you're thinking. Anything this amazing, this impactful, this life-changing must be expensive.
Think again.
The cost for these arts-based mindfulness programs are relatively inexpensive at roughly $500 per young person for a FULL YEAR of programming, compared to mainstream treatment and/or incarceration for traumatized youth.
To illustrate, moving just 20% of young people from residential placement to in home/community-based arts programs could save Michigan as much as $120,000 EACH DAY, or $44 million EVERY YEAR.
According to the 2013 VERA report on youth services, Florida saved over $140 Million in 2011 just by opting to put many juvenile offenders in community-based, evidence-based programs instead of detention centers.
Considering that the U.S. alone spends $124 billion in aftermath services for just ONE year's worth of traumatized young people, the question becomes... Can we afford not to help?
Clearly it is no longer morally or fiscally prudent to allow traumatized children to reach adulthood without the proper guidance, support, coping skills, and mental health resources.
It’s time to stop the bleeding, to stop the anomie in society, to stop the cycle of drama and trauma destroying our resources, including our most important one…our children.